Tipton County, Indiana

We are a community of hard working people with a commitment to keeping our county safe, clean, and prosperous.

Tipton County, Indiana City of Tipton, Indiana

FAQs - Details


Then what difference does it make whether I call 911 or the seven-digit number?


Tipton County Emergency Communications has an “enhanced” 911 system. This means that when you dial from a landline phone, our call-takers will have your name, address, and phone number displayed when they answer the phone. This will assist in making your call quicker and easier to process. This location display is also extremely important in cases where the caller does not know where they are, or cannot speak or give their location due to a medical problem or a variety of other reasons. Our call-takers do not receive this display when the seven-digit numbers are dialed, or when 911 is dialed from a wireless (cell) phone that is not GPS-enabled.

Contact the County

101 E Jefferson St
Tipton, IN 46702
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County Departments

Contact the City

216 S Main St
Tipton, IN 46072
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