Community Bench Project Plastic caps can be collected from household containers, and benches can be made from something ordinarily thrown away. Program Caps from household recycling can be made into benches for our community. 400 lbs. + $300 = a bench New bench cost effective August 1, 2018 |
Program Contact: Tipton Co. Solid Waste Mgmt. District 765-675-9006
Bench Vendor This program, offered by Greentree Plastics in Evansville, IN, involves young people in recycling and community service. Any clean, metal-free plastic cap may be donated. Types of Caps Any plastic cap that is clean and free of metal may be donated. Some examples include:
Drop off Location Tipton Recycling Facility 814 Development Drive Tipton, IN 46072 |
“Offering accountability to future generations.” Don’t just recycle the plastic caps, participate in your local recycling programs for all materials. |
Partners City of Tipton Common Council City of Tipton Park Advisory Board Mayor Kegan Schmicker Tipton Co. Solid Waste/Recycling Dist. Did you know? The energy saved by recycling 10 plastic bottles over making new plastic, will light a 60 watt light bulb for 97.8 hours or provide electricity for a laptop for 25.4 hours. –EPA energy fact